Wheelchair Basketball


Wheelchair Basketball is perhaps one of the best recognised Wheelchair Sports there is. As a club we provide wheelchair basketball sessions for all ages and abilities. We have a number of players who have represented Scotland at age group level, but we also have participants who play at a recreational level. 

Wheelchair Rugby League and Wheelchair Basketball are played on the same size court and in the same type of chairs, so for that reason both sports complement each other fantastically well.

Players who spend time training & participating in both sports report that their skill set grows and can be used in both settings interchangeably, which from an athlete’s point of view can only be a good thing!



Training sessions are currently held on Saturday mornings from 12:00-13:00

2 thoughts on “Wheelchair Basketball

  1. Hi there, in the past year I have badly injured my knee twice and was writing to enquire about more information about wheelchair basketball. I have a lot of basketball experience but I work Saturdays and therefore cannot make the Saturday afternoon session and was wondering if there was any other sessions available.

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